Friday, June 24, 2011

WeirdZards Baby!

This actually happened a few weeks ago. Our teacher in English made each group do a movie poster which will also be our group name for the entire quarter. We were supposed to take up the whole hour of the subject but we didn't finish so it's due next Monday. Yay! Apparently, the next day we have a general cleaning so we decided to just finish our poster after the clean-up.

Lianne showing us our half-finished work :) She's the one who thought of our movie/group name.
Okay, so I'm not really good in coloring that's why I'm not trying to help them. As bad as this may sound, I really suck at it. Instead, the task given to me was to write the story of our movie.

Hendrix (our leader, the one wearing green) drew all the animations of our poster. He's one of the good artists in our class.

What is WeirdZards? Actually, when we decided to take up that name we're not thinking about how will we construct the story. It's more on how we can do the work perfectly. As we try to progress on it, I realized that WeirdZards for me doesn't only state the story but also on how we look up to ourselves. We're not a strong group and we're not the weakest either but no matter how different we may seem, we can still bring out the best part of us.

Our yell goes like this:
We're magical in our way cause we weird born this way. We're on the right track baby we weird born this way.  :))
That was me trying to help in coloring. Yung black lang nomon!

And the finished product!!!

Larger view :))

We have no idea what our grade was but I'm pretty sure it's positive. Just this morning, we won the group contest and got 89 for recitation. I feel quite bad because I didn't answer mine correctly when it was my turn. I promise I'll be good next time :)

Photos courtesy of Jana Avengoza.

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