Monday, April 4, 2011

Every body needs a song...

I rewatched The Last Song today. It's one of my favorite love stories and I never get tired of watching it.

I think it's because I am a part of a broken family, too. But I never got the chance to be with my dad for almost three years since he left for Qatar. Anyway, we still have communication and stuffs.

Most people think that the movie is a common story and have seen it in other different movies. You know, the rebel case of daughter and getting back together with your dad after some time. But they're probably wrong. Ronnie here is not so rough with his Dad. She just doesn't want to play the piano but she didn't make big scenes and doesn't sleep around with some guy. In some ways, she reached out to his dad even if it had been a long process.

My favorite part in the movie was the turtle egg operation. How they slept near the nest and tried to scare off the raccoons until they hatched and went off to the sea.

Will and Ronnie, on the other hand is a really cute couple.

Even if Will is a rich guy, he's very down to earth and just simple. The big challenge is in him actually. Because his friend is involved with the church fire yet he can't just reveal it to everyone. Simply put, he's caught between the line.

I thought they won't end up with each other and go separate ways just like any other summer romances out there. Luckily, they did with Will saying "I'm thinking of maybe transferring to Columbia next semester. For the girl I love, to see me make more mistakes." Oh diba!! What's even better about it is that they didn't end up spilling over promises. Instead, it indicated that they will try to be with each other and just go with the flow while fulfilling their own dreams.

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